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Rolls-Royce restates its aversion to hybrids

Unlike Bentley, Rolls-Royce has no plans whatsoever to hybridize its lineup, says the company’s current CEO Chris Brownridge.

The same sentiment was voiced by the marque former leader, Thorsten Müller-Ötvös, seven years ago. It was unclear whether Brownridge, who came to replace Müller-Ötvös last autumn, shared the same values. He has now confirmed it firsthand.

According to Brownridge, hybrid vehicles run afoul of the company’s long-standing tradition of no technological compromises. Whenever Rolls-Royce decides to release a new car, we can be positive that it will be either fully gas-powered or fully electric – never a bit of both.

By the beginning of the next decade, the luxury marque hopes to have a well fleshed-out lineup of EVs going. As for the traditional ICE cars, they may remain available on a per-market basis in countries where EVs fail to rise to popularity.

Editor: Andrew Raspopov


October 4, 2024

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