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Richard Hammond gets rid of his vehicle collection

The famous Top Gear and The Grand Tour presenter has decided to sell eight cars and motorcycles at an auction set to commence next month.

Commenting on the decision, Hammond admitted that he felt bad about having to say goodbye to so many fine automotive exotics. On the other hand, selling these would enable him to bring back to life many other cars. His recently founded company, The Smallest Cog, will be restoring many automotive classics, and Hammond considers launching a reality show named Workshop (naming not final) to tell everyone about his work and vision.

Heading for the block is a 62-year-old Bentley S2, one of the first 1969 Porsche 911 models with barely any mileage on it, and the fifth out of 48 Lotus Esprit Sport 350 models produced in 1999.

The lot also contains rare motorbikes, including a few that Hammond purchased as birthday gifts for himself – for instance, one of the 50 total Norton Dominator 961 Street bikes made. Hammond bought it when he turned 50.

Prices remain unannounced. Watch the video if you would like to have a closer look at another 1969 Porsche 911.

Editor: Andrew Raspopov


July 28, 2021


Ist das dein Porsche

July 28, 2021

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