

Volvo accused of selling cars with fake audio systems

A scandal is escalating in China as numerous Volvo car buyers have filed complaints against the automaker about putting counterfeit sound speakers in the cars.

According to these reports, some of the cars affected were supposed to be shipped with speakers by Bowers&Wilkins, a major and well-reputed vendor of this type of equipment. However, upon inspection, the owners discovered speakers mislabeled as “Bowers&VVilkins” or even “Bovvers&Wilkins” (note the double “v” instead of “w”).

This is apparently only a part of a bigger problem. Among other things, customers have reported mismatched trim options and other fit-and-finish issues, like a gear selector knob not being made of crystal glass as advertised. Everything points to major issues with the integrity of the vendors supplying these parts.

The Volvo office in China has already responded to the reports promising a full investigation. We will release an update if new details emerge.

Editor: Andrew Raspopov


February 25, 2025


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