

EV sales continue falling in Europe, PHEVs included

According to ACEA – the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association – automakers managed to find buyers for 1.45 million electric vehicles in 2024, which is 5.9% less than the year before.

Hybrid sales have also slumped with 759 thousand units total and a negative 6.8% compared to the previous year. The automotive market as a whole has grown by 0.8% to 10.63 million units.

Surprisingly, affordable mild hybrids turned out to be the main growth driver with +20.9% year-on-year and 3.2 units sold in absolute terms. Petrol vehicle sales fell 4.8% to 3.54 million units, and diesels fared even worse with a 11.4% decline over 2023 and 1.27 million units moved.

Editor: Andrew Raspopov


January 24, 2025

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