

Reports: Honda tells Nissan to buy itself out from Renault

The alliance negotiations between Honda and Nissan have complicated recently with both companies setting conditions, and it now looks like they may soon fall through altogether.

According to Bloomberg, Honda is now asking Nissan to buy out its own share from Renault Group. Analysts believe that this refers to a 35.7% stake in Nissan held by the French automaker, including 15% voting interests. This comes up to approximately $3.6 billion in U.S. dollars.

Nissan’s entire asset valuation came to roughly $9.8 billion last year, which basically means the company has no spare funds to afford independence from Renault Group. At least, this is what it looks like to an observer.

Nevertheless, Honda insists that its proposed alliance must be free of any foreign influence, Bloomberg reports.

Editor: Andrew Raspopov


January 22, 2025

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