

Rezvani’s bulletproof backpack will save your life in a pinch

U.S. automaker Rezvani is best known for its wild custom off-roaders, often armored ones. Its latest creation isn’t a car, but it fits the theme nicely as it’s a backpack that turns into a flak vest in a matter of seconds.

The Bullet-Resistant Backpack is already listed for $495. In its normal state, it resembles an everyday bag with belts, pockets and the like. Its secret comes in the form of two armor plates hidden in the rear compartment. Rezvani says you can pull out one of the plates using the provided belts and flip it over your head onto your chest. Click the locks once there, and it should sit tight.

While the accessory may not be equivalent to a military-grade vest (we were unable to find any protection ratings mentioned), the automaker claims you can always swap out the armor plates for superior aftermarket ones.

As for why it felt the need to release such an unusual piece of merchandise, Rezvani says a client contacted the company after having his armored vehicle shot at in the street. Allegedly, he was the one who came up with the bulletproof backpack idea.

Editor: Andrew Raspopov


March 18, 2025

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