
Car Tuning

A Study in Maroon: RSI believes Ferrari Purosangue has a right to look like this

The resplendent Ferrari Purosangue hardly needs aftermarket tweaks to make it stand out, but someone contracted Road Show International to do just that.

The result is a gorgeous SUV in a dark shade of red with purple undertones – Bordeaux red or maroon, depending on the view angle. The color is so deep that it appears black in low light. A protective ceramic layer helps keep it in place.

And then there are the wheels – 24-inch Forgiato rims sporting a chrome multi-spoke design. We’ll leave it to you to decide whether they fit a car like the Purosangue. A peek between the spokes reveals yellow calipers, and the suspension is 10 mm (0.4”) lower than stock.

The windows and the lights are tinted all around, and the interior color scheme is rather intricate with yellow and black for main colors and red/white used as accents.

RSI neglected to mention the price, but Ferrari sells what it calls its “FUV” starting from $400,000 in the USA.

Editor: Andrew Raspopov


December 18, 2024

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